We work hard to get it right, and verify all facts that are obtainable at the time we publish a story. We recognize that in our effort to do so we may get it wrong at times. At our discretion we will make quick corrections for incidental errors, but for the more substantial ones we will try to make amends.

If you believe that something factually incorrect in our reporting has damaged your company or its reputation please contact me right away. If — after consultation with my advisory board and mentors — I find that your contention has merit, it is bizblip policy to make an immediate correction within the story, and amend the story to point out the error in our original article. We will then unlock the article and post it on this page to more broadly convey the corrected information.

Paul Riat, publisher

1st News NFT Sold  I got it wrong with a story I wrote about my own company. Go figure.