To maintain her U.S. visa, and continue her bootstrapped startup one St. Louis CEO is headed to Cleveland, Ohio to take part in the Global Entrepreneurship In Residence program there.

“This is like the beginning of me becoming a unicorn company. So, welcome to history,” For Womanhood CEO Cherise Brookes told bizblip.

For Womanhood is developing a safety app for college women, aiming to prevent intimate partner violence. The app incorporates bystander intervention tactics and utilizes Gen AI to help victims while also assisting universities in reducing their risk of litigation.

The company is currently bootstrapped, with Brookes funding the venture herself. The move to Ohio through the GEIR program will allow Brookes to pilot her app in two different states, potentially expanding its reach and impact. She is actively seeking additional funding opportunities, as the company, so far, is founder founded.


For Womanhood