Play Poll., a startup founded by Chris Ocasio, has launched a new poll-based game app that allows users to answer polls, earn points, and unlock live results. The app, currently in beta version, presents different collections of polls for users to play through.

Chris Ocasio, Play Poll. founder

“Play Poll. is a game where there’s different collections of polls, and then you answer them to earn points and unlock their live results,” explained Ocasio. “So all the polls are live, and the results update as more people answer the polls.”

While on the surface it may seem like a simple game, Play Poll. has a business model that goes beyond just user engagement. The points earned are purchasable, and there will be sponsored ads or sponsored polls. In between the collections, the startup plans to sell this as a service to companies for user engagement and data gathering — based on poll responses.

Ocasio clarified that only tallied, non-personal data would be shared with companies, ensuring user privacy. He also plans to eventually include demographics in the poll results, allowing users to gain insights into their community’s opinions.

The company, which Ocasio says will be officially formed this Friday, is currently based in St. Louis, Missouri. Ocasio has been working on the project part-time since February, teaching himself how to use the Flutter Flow platform to build the app. “Right now, it’s just the beta hosted by them on the website. But I will be getting the ball rolling on that later this week. So that’s exciting.”

Play Poll is soliciting feedback from users during the beta phase, as well as seeking companies or marketing agencies interested in promoting their brands through sponsored polls within the app.


Play Poll.