Trinity Products CEO Robert Griggs says the more he gives, the more he gets… in both is business and in philanthropy. That’s why he was happy to fund the Robert and Shelly Griggs Family Innovators Nexus in the University of Missouri Student Center. 

“We don’t give because we want to receive,” he told the assembled crowd at the opening. “We give because it feels good.”

In addition to having space and access to services to support their entrepreneurial efforts, a few startups will be awarded retail space for a year at no cost to them… in addition to some startup cash, a Square credit card reader and an iPad to manage sales from U.S. Bank. 

Caught Schmoozing are: 

  1. Gregory Bier, University of Missouri; Bill Turpin, no card ; Thomas Spencer, no card
  2. Annette Kendall, University of Missouri; Aaron Heienickle, no card; Drew Patel, Risk Harbor
  3. Robert Griggs, Trinity Products
  4. Erik Starrenburg, Industrial Engineering; Drew Boswell, Industrial Engineering
  5. Ryan Murray, University of Missouri; Natalie Thomas, University of Missouri
  6. Georgi Gnibus, Rad By Design; Grant Houston, Hype & Stripes
  7. Wade Foster, Zapier; James Noble, University of Missouri
  8. Nancy Mueller, Griggs family; Shelly Griggs, Griggs family