2021 was a really hard year for all of us, including the WEPOWER team and community. What did we do in response? We chose to rest by taking the full month of December off. We chose to deepen our healing work as a team with partners like the Collective STL. We chose to rethink how we do this work moving forward, by putting our K12 work on pause, integrating more formal rest times into our calendar, preparing to host events that center Black and Latinx joy, and honing in even more on our power building priorities.

As adrienne maree brown reminds me time and time again, “Change is constant, be like water.” Collectively, we have never experienced liberation, and together, for it to truly be possible, we have to be willing to change and act in ways that match the dreams we want to bring to bear. So, we hope you join us this year as we deepen some habits, break others, and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate, and REST! Check out our latest updates below.

Meet St. Louis’ Future Women Public Leaders!
WEPOWER and our friends celebrated the graduates of the second cohort of Chisholm’s Chair Fellowship (CCF) at a virtual ceremony on Thursday, February 12. The graduates successfully completed a rigorous 64-hour program offering leadership development, landscape analysis, campaign readiness training, and community building. Graduates were honored with certificates of completion from the WEPOWER team and presented with individual Resolutions from 78th District Missouri State Representative Rasheen Aldridge.

Apply to Elevate/Elevar Biz Accelerator by Thursday!
Elevate/Elevar is a free program for Black and Latinx entrepreneurs looking to take their biz to the next level. Access 1:1 biz coaching, a grant, in-kind professional services, a virtual assistant, wellness stipend, training, and more!

Join The Early Childhood Power & Policy Action Group!
In February, we partnered with the Gateway Early Childhood Alliance and Kids Win Missouri to launch the Early Childhood Power & Policy Action Group! 50+ organizations, parents, educators, funders, and civic leaders have already joined the coalition! We are focused on educator and parent led policy design, power building, and increasing public funding for early childhood. Learn more here.

Power & Policy Action Group (PPAG) kick off attendees