The Pitches Get Stitches (and $500) startup pitch competition drew more than 50 people from all aspects of the early stage startup ecosystem to celebrate seven startup founders, and all the work they’ve been doing to bring their companies to life.

The 4thEst8 put on the event with the help of founding sponsors ITEN and TechSTL, with video work from Big River Media Group.

Caught Schmoozing: 

  1. Aaron Wemple, Life Winks; Sheila Buswell, Buswell Biomedical
  2. Frank Hopper, Capital Innovators; Brett Luing, Capital Innovators
  3. George Hicker, Alliance Advisors; Edwin Williams, ZenHammer
  4. Akeem Shannon, Flipstik/Judge; Anjie Sanford, BioGenerator/Judge; Vikram Lakhwara, Green Cow VC/Judge
  5. Brittany Dwyer, Disco!; Doug Wulff, TimeBolt
  6. AJ Jenkins, NetWorld; Ali Jorani, Artopia
  7. Kristie Jones, Sales Acceleration Group; Quentin Ortega, ITEN; David Weaver, Transitions Law Group
  8. Group photo: participants, sponsors, judges


On the 4thEst8:

Disco! wins Pitches Get Stitches

Seven contenders enter Pitches Get Stitches

Meet Disco!

Meet TimeBolt

Meet Artopia

Flipstik available at Target

ITEN’s 2022 programs (Melissa Grizzle)

ITEN Eureka Validation (Quentin Ortega)

Meet ITEN’s hidden gem (Connie Gallagher)