Venture Cafe, St. Louis was wall-to-wall Cybersecurity this week, from a job fair (geared mostly at entry level, but still…) to a global affairs panel.

The Venture Cafe website still isn’t projecting when it’s next Thursday gathering will be (or future programming) BUT the LinkedIn page says to join them April 21st.

To be honest, this gathering (under new management) could completely ‘miss’ at programming and communication and people would just show up to hang out anyway. A bumpy start is a start, and fans of the old VenCaf are just happy to see something going on. Why wouldn’t VenCaf have a little trouble getting on its feet when so many of us are in the same boat? 4thEst8 included!

Caught Schmoozing:

  1. Mike Sullivan, Cortex; Mike Bryan, Claim Academy
  2. Niki Portell, Webster student; Raffi Mikaelian, PCsforPEOPLE
  3. Jon Paul Johnson, VenCafSTL; Damon Burton, Zyston
  4. Bryan York, CrowdStrike; Ben Cronin, CrowdStrike; Austin Murphy, CrowdStrike
  5. Dan Shannon, Evergreen Mobile Power; Vikram Lakhwara, Green Cow VC
  6.  Raya Kazdan, Coro, Jesse Strod, Coro, Hannah Motley, Coro

On the 4thEst8:

VenCaf signs of life; where is Tyler Mathews?

VenCaf Foundation xfers ownership

VenCaf goes quiet

VenCaf – 1st in person gathering since lockdown